Thursday, July 10, 2014

More babies!

In the words of Keragan, "more babies!"  We accepted another placement last night, a little 6 month old girl we will call Baby S.  Troy picked her up and brought her home after baby J's visit with her mom, and as he brought in the two babies in carseats, Keragan ran over, put her hands up and said "More babies!  More babies!"  I'm not quite sure if that was a good thing or not, but she seems to be handling it alright so far.

So now we have a two year old, a 6 month old and a 4 month old!  I know it's going to be trying, but at the same time I'm a little excited about it.  It's only been a couple of hours, though, so I'll probably change my mind in a few days and realize that we're crazy!

Baby S has been moved around from relative to relative all her life, so she hasn't had much problem transitioning to us initially.  She's been sleeping for the past seven hours, so that's a good sign.  She's a big baby!  Or maybe we're just used to Keragan and baby J, who were a lot smaller.  Baby S actually wears the same size diapers as Keragan does now (at 2 years old)!

Speaking of diapers, Keragan is pretty much potty trained.  She's done pretty well, with the occasional accident.  Although they don't seem as much like accidents as her being lazy and not wanting to leave the activity she's doing.  But we've gone out several times, and she's stayed dry every time. It has, however taken a lot of time and patience on our part.  I'm curious to see how a third kid impacts that, but I'm also glad we were able to get her to this point before the third one came.

We moved Keragan into her big (twin) bed about a month ago.  We were worried about her getting up all the time, because she's so social she never wants to be away from the action.  We were pleasantly surprised when she never even tried to get out of bed.  Instead she would sing or talk in her bed until we came to get her in the mornings.  I'm not sure if it was the potty training or what, but on the 4th of July she asserted her independence by figuring out that she can get out of bed.  Since then we've been putting her to bed 10-15 times per night over an hours time.  We finally had to close her door and turn off all the lights and just let her cry for a little.  She's done a little better, but last night as I was feeding baby J at 2:30am she decided to join us.  I told her to go back to bed, and she did, but it makes me wonder if she roams the house while we're sleeping other nights!

Keragan's vocabulary and imagination continue to explode, and we're having fun with it.  The things she comes up with and remembers when playing are amazing to me, and reminds me constantly how much she soaks in.  I know it can't be easy on her to go from only child to having two needy babies to compete with for attention, but she's doing really well.  She loves people, and she loves these babies, and I really feel like it's a good indication of who she will be as she grows up.  However the lack of attention has compelled her to learn to play by herself more and not rely on us to always be playing with her.

Next challenge: VBS next week.  I have quite a bit of work to do, so we'll see how Troy does with three little girls!

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