Whew! I've been wanting to post for the past few weeks, but when I finish getting things done around the house in the evening, I just want to go to sleep! So I've given myself 13 minutes to update and get to bed at midnight.
We still have both babies, and it's been a bit of a challenge. Sometimes it's easy, as they entertain each other and nap at the same times. But other times, it's exhausting. Like tonight, when I had five messes (diaper/underwear) within an hour between two kids. But overall we've been really blessed. First of all, all of the kids are (for the most part) sleeping through the night!!! Which makes a huge difference, since we can get our sleep. They all take two hour naps in the afternoon, which somewhat overlap, so Troy has a chance to catch his breath while I'm working. And they're all pretty easy going kids.
I think the novelty has finally worn off for Keragan. She has been acting out more, and I really think it's because she wants attention. We've tried to be intentional about spending time with one-on-one with her, and she definitely loves that, but she's figuring out how to push our buttons. This morning Troy left her upstairs for a few minutes, only for her to get into the markers and color all over the wall. She's been coloring for a good 8 months and I've always been careful to put the markers away, however she's always been so good about only coloring the coloring books so I've been leaving them out. So we now have a colored wall.
The bigger way she's been acting out, though, is potty training. She does GREAT when we go out. No issues at all. But when we're home, it's a completely different story. She won't tell us when she needs to go, she runs away when we try to take her, and she even will sometimes sit on the potty for a good five minutes, tell us she's done, get up and pee herself within a minute. It's frustrating for us, because she's already proven to us that she can do it. She gets tired of the rewards (we've tried stickers, candy, marshmallows), and I'm about ready to start punishing her when she does it. But I'm not even sure how to do that... I guess we just have to be persistent.
She's having fun, though, too. Her memory and imagination just blow me away more and more every day. Right now she is obsessed with giants and giant things. Specifically, giant meatballs. We have no idea where she came up with this or saw it, but anything big and round she calls a giant meatball. She's also very perceptive about possessions right now. She's been possessive about her stuff for awhile, but now she gets worked up about other people's possessions, as well. For example, I can't use "Daddy's" remote. Apparently last time she saw Troy's brother he was using a certain cup, because now when we try to use it she yells, "No, Randy's cup!" We watched some other foster kids for a weekend, and they used certain placemats at the table. Now she refuses to use them because they're so and so's placemats! Troy calls her Sheldon (from Big Bang Theory) because she's so particular. She even has her own spot on the couch, and she will have a meltdown if someone sits there.
Baby S has been a whole new experience for us. She is very energetic for a 6 month old, and can be demanding for attention, the opposite of baby J and Keragan at that age. She LOVES watching Keragan, and Keragan will even perform for her sometimes. It's cute how they interact! She's working on crawling, and I'm not pushing her to figure it out. I can hardly keep up with Keragan and two immobile babies, I can't imagine what it'll be like once she can crawl! She's also gotten two teeth last week, but the teething seems to have slowed down now.
Well, my 13 minutes are long up, so I better get back to bed... I don't have many pictures without the babies, but here are a few!
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